Monday, April 2, 2007


The Celebreality Interview - Tango, New York's Man


Congratulations are in order for Tango, who beat out 19 other guys for the ultimate prize of New York's heart.

After the jump, Tango talks about his feelings for New York, how they made things work during their months apart and that shocking proposal.

Were you surprised that New York chose you?

Well...would I sound like cocky if I said no? (laughs) I was pretty focused throughout the competition, so I actually was not surprised.

The clips show featured footage of you talking about New York, and how you couldn't believe that Flav didn't pick her from the start.

I'm a Public Enemy fan. Flav's the best. But realistically speaking, here you have a female who's willing to go completely bonkers over you, to get you, would literally stab people to get you. It sounds odd, I don't know what it says about me and my character, but a female who's that driven passionately driven to get you, why not pick her? In my opinion, she put out 100 percent, maybe a little over, to the brink of insanity. I thought that was awesome. I thought to myself, if I meet and get a chance to see what she's really really like, where she's not in a position where she has to fight with another woman, I'm pretty sure she's a different person. I got an opportunity to see that on the show and I was right.

So her passion is what primarily attracted you to her?

Yeah, yeah. I mean, if nothing else, it definitely would be her passion. When she's into something, she's really into something. She's dedicated and I respect that.

You seemed pretty attached to New York early on – was this a case of love at first sight?

There was a certain kind of love that we talked about, that I guess nobody has seen, you know we both kind of expressed a certain kind of love for each other. Conveniently, it was picked out the time when I said the "L" word of course. For you the viewer I would say around maybe the sixth or seventh episode is when she and I made a real connection. I guess a lot of people could see it around the time when the girlfriends came. You could see that's as genuine as it gets. If the viewer wants to see exactly where we stand emotionally, all you have to do is watch that episode. It was right there.

When you were out to dinner with New York and Real, there was that time that you like whispered to her that you loved her. Why did you whisper it?

I whispered it because I had not had one real moment with her. I went on no dates. Anytime I was ever around her, there was always someone else there, whether it was one or 19 other dudes. I always had to fight for her attention. Naturally, I had to take every opportunity I could to tell her what I needed to. It didn't concern Real. It was for her ears and her ears only. But also, it was a romance tactic. If I would have put it out there, it wouldn't have seemed as genuine.

When you, New York and your mothers went out to lunch, New York was pretty disrespectful to your mother…

(Laughs) To say the least. That was the first time that New York went too far for me. New York was saying things that I'd never say around my mom. But I just sort of sat back to let my mom take it in. My mom needs no defending whatsoever. She's a very strong woman. She knew what was going on. So I kept cool to let my mom see how New York really is, to see what she would possibly have to deal with. But at the same time, I saw a side of New York that I did not like. She knows that and she's apologized for it. She knows that that's something that just isn't going to work. I was appalled and disgusted by the comments New York and her mother made during the show that I only found out about after, when it aired. But she apologized for that, too. People make mistakes, so I'm cool with that. My mother works with families that need assistance and she deals with outrageous people on a regular basis. So what she saw was nothing. Plus, when I was a kid, she always taught me about sticks and stones, so that situation was reversed: if someone says something about you, big deal. Especially if it's not true.

On the finale, when you, New York and Chance were at dinner and he went crazy, eventually splashing you with wine, how much did it take for you to not get up and kill him?

That was honestly my last straw. I had been poised, I was cool, I'd fallen back at times when I ordinarily wouldn't. This time, I was just like, "No, we gotta go, buddy." I was so serious. I was caught in a situation where it was like, kill this man or relax. I need a medal or something because I don't know how I did that. I don't know how I did not choke this man. But you can tell that he didn't want it like that. He knew he had to chill out. He's crazy, but he's not crazy.

At what point did you decide you were going to propose?

I'm the type of guy who likes to go out with a bang. It was more for her than for me. Originally, it was meant to be a promise situation: let's do something, let's work toward this. That's kinda where we're at right now. But at the time I proposed, it was meant to be: let's go for it. Sometimes you just gotta jump into things head first and work it out later on. The whole purpose was just to let her know how serious I am.

What would you have done if she picked Chance?

I'm a little egotistical. I have an arrogant mind, so at no point did I think she was going to say no. It's kinda like taking a shot with a good shoulder. You don't question it, you take the shot. But I knew that being engaged was on her mind. In Mexico, we had our moment and certain things like that were discussed. If you think about it, with all the challenges we went through with the kids and everything on the show, you realize that this is what she was aiming for, anyway.

So you have this big moment and then you can't see each other for months. How is it dealing with that?

She keeps a busy schedule and so do I. We see this as a test. If we can handle this, then anything else that's put in front of us isn't going to be a big issue. The feelings are still the same. It'd be different if we couldn't talk or correspond. We emailed, we telephoned, we texted, what have you. Love is something that you have to work at, anyway. We work at this, it's what we're trying to do, it's what we're working toward. We don't just let it be and figure it'll work out once we see each other.

Do you talk everyday?

Because of all the press and craziness of the finale, we haven't talked as much lately. But usually, we communicate everyday, maybe every other day, in some kind of way.

What's the plan for when you can see each other? Are you just going to visit each other?

Yeah, that's the plan. We're going to do anything we can to make it work.

So, I Love New York proves that nice guys do finish first?

That's exactly what it is. I just wanted to go there and show not only the viewing public, but New York herself that, look: there's a nice guy that's going to see past this guard you put up. I know you say rude things on purpose. I know you say things you don't mean on purpose, just to keep people at a distance. There are a lot of females out there who are the same way. Dudes have just done them completely wrong. So then when they meet the next dude, they can't believe it that there's a man who's going to put up with it until she really sees the big picture.


Lady Ty said...


~MEALE~ said...

I loved it to Lady Ty, and I agree
he's very sexy indeed.

Thanks for stopping through.